US Attaches Stringent Conditions To The Proposed $2.4 Billion Pakistan Aid For 2012-13



Obama administration has proposed a total of $8.2 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations to support the civilian led programs and missions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. According to the State Department, from the annual budget of $3.8 trillion, US has proposed financial aid worth $2.4 billion to Pakistan for the fiscal year 2012-13. Of this aid, $2.2 billion is for strengthening democratic institutions of the country, including $800 million for the Counter-Insurgency Capability Fund (PCCF).

US Officials have maintained that the aid is “conditional”. The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will have to provide ‘Presslar Amendment’ style certification to various Congressional committees on the following:

  • Pakistan is “cooperating” against the Quetta Shura, Haqqani Network, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Al Qaeda and other domestic and foreign terrorist organizations.
  • Pakistan is not “supporting terrorist activities against the US.”
  • “Pakistan’s military and intelligence agencies are not intervening extra-judicially into political and judicial processes in Pakistan”.
  • Speedy issuance of visas for US personel involved in counterterrorism efforts and assistance programs in Pakistan.
  • Pakistan is taking action against networks that facilitate building of IEDs used against American forces in Afghanistan.
  • Pakistan must take steps to prevent nuclear proliferation.

The Secretary of State not only has the authority to suspend aid to Pakistan if the country does not demonstrate progress in meeting these conditions, she can also waive the certification requirements using the ‘national interest’ clause.

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