Pakistan-Iran Border Incident Escalating – The Border Could Be Closed



03-01-2012_Pak Iran Border 2A Pakistani border official accused Iranian security personnel of crossing the border in the poorly marked Mazansar area of Mashkel border region, South West of Balochistan. The security official’s shot to death one man, wounded the other, and took two people with them.

The Pakistani forces chased them back into Iran and brought back the two men back, who were found to be involved in narcotics business. Three Iranian border security personnel were also detained. Iran in the past has blamed the Sunni extremist group Jundallah, for launching attacks from inside Pakistan into Sistan-Balochistan.

Media reports indicate that Iran has subsequently arrested about 17 Pakistan fishermen from the Gwatar Bay area, and has threatened to shut down the border if Iranian personnel arrested earlier are not released.

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