54 Die As Mosque Targeted in Jamrud, Khyber Agency



Up to 54 were people were killed and 110 wounded when a suicide attacker blew him self during Friday payers. The incident took place in Ghundi village of Jamrud, Khyber Agency, located 24 kilometers from Peshawar. According to officials, 8 to 10 kilogram of explosives was used in the attack. Similar incidents have occurred across the tribal areas in the past. In March 2009, 42 people were killed as a result of an attack on a mosque in Jamrud.

Tariq Afridi group of Tehrike Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the Friday attack. The group threatened more attacks against Kukikhel Afridi tribe if its lashkar continues to resist Taliban in Tirah valley.

On Saturday, 10 militants wee killed in Khyber Agency after they attacked a security convoy passing through Aka Khel area, killing two security personnel.

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