US General Talks about Joint Operations as Obama Meets with Security Team



Chief of the US Central Command General James Mattis on Monday discussed with Pakistani military leadership plans for the first phase of US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as well as details about joint operations against key targets. The general only announced meeting with Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Chairman General Khalid Shameem Wynne, who had cancelled a visit to Washington last month to protest against the US operation on May 2 that killed Bin Laden. However, Mattis’s more important meeting with Army Chief General Ashfaque Pervez Kiyani was kept a secret. According to defense sources, General Mattis and General Kiyani met Sunday night to discuss the “renewed cooperation” deal negotiated during Hillary Clinton and Adm. Mike Mullen’s trips to Pakistan last month.

On the other hand, Obama held a two-hour meeting with his national security team on Monday. According to White House spokesman Jay Carney, the discussion revolved around the war in Afghanistan and the situation in neighboring Pakistan, including the size of troop withdrawal.

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