President-elect Trump’s Major Domestic, Foreign Challenges


trmups-team1A comprehensive media discussion on Voice of America (Urdu Service) program Round Table, hosted by Qamar Abbas Jafri, on December 12, 2016. The focus was on the key foreign and domestic challenges likely to be confronted by President-elect Donald Trump.

The discussion panel included:

Dr. Tayyab Mahmud – Director of the Center for Global Justice, Seattle University
Arif Ansar – Chief Analyst, PoliTact
Ali Imran – Independent Analyst
Lord Nazir Ahmed – Member British House of Lords
Dr. Atta Mohammad – Paris University

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The following represent a list of foreign and domestic challenges likely to be faced by President-elect Trump.

  • The US-Russia relations and aggressive Russian efforts to influence US politics through information and cyber warfare. The conclusions reached by the US intelligence community and Trump’s response.
  • The US-China relations and the future on ‘One-China’ policy.
  • The growing China-Russia security and economic cooperation and what it means for the US.
  • The challenges in the way of Trump’s US-Russia reset, especially the Iran nuclear deal.
  • The future of US Pivot to Asia/Rebalancing policy.
  • Trump’s outlook towards Europe and NATO, especially in the aftermath of Brexit and the risk of other nations following the same path.
  • The impact of Trump’s untraditional operational style and diverse business interests.
  • The influence of people selected for key cabinet positions.
  • The new approach to fight extremists and policy towards Middle East and South Asia. How will the growing Russian involvement in facilitating the Afghan peace rhyme with its ties with India? More importantly, how will the emerging position of China and Russia on extremism impact the wider campaign against terrorism? And how does this correlate with the vision of the important security and defense related nominations made by President-elect Trump?
  • The future of Globalization and major free trade pacts, such as Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
  • The prospects of reforms within the US political system and parties.
  • Dealing with perceived American weakness and emboldened Putin.

The discussion panel included:

Dr. Tayyab Mahmud – Director of the Center for Global Justice, Seattle University
Arif Ansar – Chief Analyst, PoliTact
Ali Imran – Independent Analyst
Lord Nazir Ahmed – Member British House of Lords
Dr. Atta Mohammad – Paris University

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