Political, Security, And Nuclear Dimensions Of Pakistan, India Tensions


pak-india-nuclear-weaponsmedia discussion on Voice of America (Urdu Service) on September 26, 2016. The program covered the political and security implications of the India-Pakistan tensions, resulting from the Uri attack and unrest in Kashmir. A particular focus is on the security implications as both nations are nuclear powers with well-developed nuclear weapon programs.

The panel included:

Nuclear Scientist Dr. Samar Mubarakmand
Nuclear Analyst Commodore (R) Uday Bhaskar
Chief Analyst PoliTact – Arif Ansar

For discussion of the political dynamic participants included:

Dr. Asma Khawaja from the National Defense University, Islamabad
Dr. Ravni Thakur from Delhi University, and
Strategic Analyst Shama Junejo


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