Pasha And Petraeus Meet in Washington To Discuss Haqqani Network



Amidst pressure from the US to act against the Haqqani group, Pakistan’s ISI chief General Shuja Pasha visited Washington DC to discuss the matter with his CIA counterpart General David Petraeus. The meeting, a low key affair was held at the CIA headquarters in Langley. Another set of talks took place at Ambassador Husain Haqqani’s Washington residence. General Pasha met with Petraeus, senior CIA officials and White House officials in the meetings to discuss the militant group.

This is the third high level meeting this week between senior officials of the two countries to discuss Haqanni. Previously US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar met in New York. The US Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen has also earlier met with General Kayani in Seville to discuss the matter.

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