Pakistan, Afghanistan Exchange Blame For Destabilization


In an effort to explain the worsening law and order situation of Afghanistan and Pakistan, officials of both countries this week made a number of statements accusing each other of mischief.

Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik charged Lashkare Jhangvi (LeJ), the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), and international actors for the security crisis in Balochistan. Speaking in Pakistan’s Senate, he commented that Taliban and these organizations are cooperating in implementing plans of international forces to destabilize and disintegrate the country.

Rehman Malik also blamed Afghanistan for supporting Maulvi Faqeer Muhammad and Qazi Fazlullah and for providing shelter to Brahamdagh Bugti.

On the other hand, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense has denied the news report that it is recruiting youngsters from Chitral valley for the Afghan National Army. Chitral valley lies across Kunar and Nuristan province in Afghanistan. On Saturday, Afghan legislators disqualified Defense Minister General Rahim Wardak and Interior Minister Bismillah Mohammadi for failing to prevent cross border attacks from Pakistan, including assassination attempts on senior Afghan officials.

The developments took place as members of Afghan Parliament from Badakhshan province accused US and UK for attempting to create a new country in the region. The new state will include areas from Pakistan’s Gilgit and Chitral, parts from Badakhshan in Afghanistan, and areas from Tajikistan and China.

Meanwhile, after Republican US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher recent interest in Balochistan, influential lawmaker from the Democrat Party, Bred Sherman, has made statements regarding Sindh province. He asked the State Department to reach out to Sindhis as they are under attack from the government forces in Pakistan.

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