Munter: Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif Pro-US, No Energy Shortage In Pakistan


15-07-2012_ImranKhan-MunterThe outgoing US Ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter stated on Tuesday that Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan, who might get elected in 2013 elections, have assured him of a pro-US government stance. Both politicians are generally perceived as anti-American. Talking to BBC Urdu Service, he said that US is not against Pakistan, rather it wants the country to be independent with control over its territories.

He added Pakistan’s political and military leadership should effectively combat militancy in tribal areas along Pakistan-Afghan border. The reopening of NATO supplies has only resolved one of the sticking issues between the two countries and US still has to deal with terrorist that operate from Pakistan.


“By independent, I mean that the Pakistani leadership, along with the Pakistan Army, should have complete control over its territories… It is important that Pakistan’s political and military leadership defeats these terrorists. And, we want to help Pakistan with it,” said Munter.

On the question of why US is against the Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline, Munter replied, “if you talk to Pakistani leaders, you will get to know that there is no shortage of electricity in the country. It only needs good management, improvements and new rates.”

Reacting to Munter’s statement, Imran Khan clarified that he is not against US, only its policies. “I am not an anti-American, I am only against US policies. A majority of Americans are with us,” Imran said.

PTI Chairman added “(Munter) either misunderstood or misquoted my discussion with him on Pakistan-US relations.”

“It is this part of the interaction that has been highlighted by the media and not the fact that I had candidly told Munter that the PTI cannot support reopening of NATO supplies or any other activity that furthers US war effort in Afghanistan,” he said.

“If we want to win this war against terrorism, then we should come out of the US war,” he clarified.

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