Libyan Rebels Seize Tripoli, Inch Toward victory



According to media reports, Libyan rebel forces have taken control over Tripoli except Bab Al-Aziziyah. National Transitional Council’s senior official Abdullah Almayhop confirmed news that Saif al-Islam, Qaddafi’s eldest son, had been captured. Qaddafi’s gaurds were also said to have surrendered to the opposition. Colonel Qaddafi urged the people to protect the city against the rebels; however the opposition entered the western district of Tripoli on early Sunday evening with almost no sign of resistance, and amidst cheering from residents. According to the spokesman for Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi’s government Moussa Ibrahim 1,300 people had been killed and 5000 wounded in the fighting in Tripoli.

It is not known if Colonel Qaddafi has fled or if he remains in the country. There are also concerns in western capitals to not declare victory in haste, as was done in the case of Iraq.

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