Israel Decides To Continue To Uphold The Peace Treaty With Egypt After The Embassy Attack



Israeli intelligence source reveal the mob that caused the break in to the Israeli Embassy in Egypt on Friday, was led by Jama’a al-Islamiya, the Egyptian founding branch of Al Qaeda, Additionally, two other extremist Egyptian Islamist groups were also involved. As a result of this attack, the Israeli Ambassador and the embassy staff had to be evacuated from Egypt.

Prime Minister Netanyahu announced on Saturday that despite that attack, Israel would continue to uphold the peace treaty with Egypt but it must safeguard its security. Since the fall of Mubarak, lsrael is closely monitoring the events of Egypt and to interpret what the change there means for the country.

Emotions are running high through out Middle East as a result of the Arab Spring. There is a great deal of worry in Israel that an extremist group or a rogue leader may try to turn the rage on the Arab street towards Israel. Furthermore, Israel’s trade and military relations with Turkey have also recently been suspended. The tensions are running high between the two countries, as Israel refused to apologize for the peace Flotilla incident in which a number of Turkish citizens were also killed.

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